In fact there are now more than 400 individual albums on my site, 415 to be exact. This is remarkable as I’ve never really counted the contents before, but the system of databases etc. that I have built to ‘control’ the site keeps coming back with ever larger numbers. (For example, there are 4734 images in 181 albums just for the Circus Arts part…for a site-wide total of more than 10900 images!)
I noticed that the albums concerning the CiRCa Festival were not appearing in the general ‘Circus Arts’ part of the site – this was an error, which I have now corrected, and not unreasonably this has increased the total somewhat!
There are only ever a maximum of four albums for the Welcome in Tziganie festival as I keep everything on a daily basis – I don’t break it down into groups or artists. This and a ‘Selection’ album is sufficient.
The circus arts and concert albums are obviously different as these generally have enough content for an album per artist.
Sadly due to lighting problems (or rather, the fact that the level of lighting is getting steadily worse and worse at the Cri’Art, and the people responsible don’t seem to care…) I am no longer shooting the artists/concerts there. Seemingly the current ‘trend’ is to light the scene from behind, and then to flash the lights on and off all the time, presumably to mesmorise the paying public – sadly this isn’t ideal for taking photographs, so I’ve stopped until they come to their senses.
In any case, I seem to have enough to occupy myself with the companies in residence at CiRCa, and two dedicated shootings later on this year. I’m also hoping to be able to get back into the caserne and continue my ‘Imaginary Dancer’ project this year. Looking forward to that.