January 2018

It seems to have come around so fast!

Well, new year and new projects – firstly the One Lens Project has been launched on Instagram. I’ve decided, for the month of January, to use only one lens on my camera and post images as and when I make decent ones – I’ve chosen to use the 35mm (which is a very decent ‘street photography’ lens) we’ll see what I can do with this idea.

Auch – with the moon…

CiRCa sent out their ‘voeux’ and used images from three photographers who covered the ‘walk’ by Tatiana-Mosio Bongonga in October.

I’m pleased to say they chose three of my images!

And finally, the book has arrived…



2017 in Pictures

My new collection book is coming out soon. I’ve decided to publish a hard-covered book with a small selection of my work from this past year. I did this last in 2014 and the basic premiss is the same this year – personal, concert and spectacle work – all made during 2017.

It would be nice to produce a hundred and try to sell them – but I can’t really afford this at the present moment (We can’t all be Emmanuel Badji, asking for other people to pay for all of his crazy ideas…) so this will have to wait.

Here are some examples of what’s inside…

Cie Anomalie « Dans le Ventre de la Ballerine »
Gypsy Hill au Cri’Art le 10.11.2017


I think it’s time I stopped posting stuff on Facebook – I can’t actually see any particular use or benefit – I seem to be ‘followed’ by a horde of people who simply click on ‘like’ without any apparent reason. Very frustrating. Quantitative but certainly not qualitative.

People tell us that a presence on social media is important, particularly working in visual media, as it gives one the possibility to present ones images to a broad platform of different people.

This is all well and good, but I have never had a photographic commission linked to my presence on Facebook – so frankly why bother?

A few of the people I follow do like I do – if they actually like a piece of work, they click on ‘like’ – if not, they don’t bother. This I can easily come to terms with and seems a reasonably sane way of reacting. I certainly don’t expect ‘likes’ from everyone, but sadly there are a large number of people out there where clicking ‘like’ is an automatic response – I personally can’t see the point. After all, no one likes EVERYTHING do they?

So I’m actually considering closing my pages – my personal one and the photographic page – I frankly doubt anyone will notice – and it will finally relieve me of this ‘need’ to check the damn pages every morning to see if there’s been any reactions… I have better things to do with my life, and I can’t help thinking there are also better ways for me to ‘expose’ my work;


Eric Canto – Photographer

I’ve recently come across the work of Eric Canto. He’s a French photographer living in Montpellier, and his principle work is concert photography – which he does very well!

This interests me as I’m a frustrated concert photographer and I’m keen to see what really can be done when the conditions are right – photographically speaking. This means that the lighting technicians actually know how to light a set, and are not constantly flashing anything and everything, and lighting the artists from behind…

Eric has recently published a book « A Moment Suspended in Time » which shows his work over the last 10 years, from more than 700 concerts.

I’ve purchased the book – but I decided to give it to myself for Christmas so I haven’t actually opened it yet.  As it is I’ve seen some of his work on his site (here) and it’s pretty much what I expected – excellent!

I’ve also found an interview from October (in French) where Eric discusses his approach to his work, and what he expects to get out of a concert etc. I find myself warming to this photographer even though we’ve never met – his attitude is much like mine with respect to how and why he makes his photographs – and I find that strangely reassuring. Lighting is such an important aspect – and fundamentally part of the word ‘photography’ after all – and I have to admit I’d love to have the chance to cover a ‘real’ concert, on a ‘real’ stage with ‘real’ lighting, if only just to see what I could do with decent conditions.

I can’t (yet) say that I recommend the book – but I’m pretty sure I will – here’s a link if you feel the urge


Pleasant Surprise…

Today the latest (24th edition) Auch Mag came through the letterbox – quite a nice surprise that they used one of my images of the Escalier Monumentale for the front cover…

It’s getting harder to go through doorways now…

Running down…

It’s the ‘slowing down’ period before Christmas – well, for me at least!

Here in Auch the town hall organised a ‘street’ spectacle to coincide with the opening of the Christmas Market. Like last year they invited the Cie AKOUMA and for 45 minutes we had fireworks and flame throwers in the centre of the town – great fun.

Great fun!

On Monday I had a rendezvous with the Cie La Meute at CiRCa – they are here on a two week residence preparing their new spectacle « Le Cri de l’Oeuf » (The Cry of the Egg) – this involves a HUGE metal ‘wheel of death’ structure, and CiRCa is one of the few places in France where this can be used indoors (the spectacle is for outdoors)

Le Cri de l’Oeuf

The idea is that the Mathieu and Thibault balance on this thing, then they make their way into the cages at each end, and make it revolve – they did, and it was pretty spectacular. This is only the beginning – it will be interesting to see how the show evolves.  More images of the residence can be seen here.


Gandini Juggling

Had an interesting few days this week – which terminated with the presentation of the ‘components’  of what will make up Sean Gandini’s latest opus « Spring »

He and I spent a week exchanging text messages (I hate disturbing the artists so always contact them by text rather than by a phone call) – my initial text was in English – to which he replied in French – se we continued like this – until I went to visit CiRCa on Wednesday and take a few photos – he was rather surprised I spoke such good English…!! His French is excellent!

Anyway, the 16 ‘bits’ we saw last night were all very dynamic and the artists were excellent, with a special mention for Guy who is lighting the show. However I don’t envy them – their first night is in early January – I can’t help feeling there’s a lot of work ahead!

Gandini Juggling – « Spring »

Johnny Hallyday

This is Johnny Hallyday

I’m sorry, I’ll start again.

This WAS Johnny Hallyday – he died yesterday the 6th December, aged 74. His career spanned almost 60 years and he sold more than 100 million albums.

Virtually unknown in English speaking world, he was the bees knees, the « French Elvis » and hugely popular – in France. I’m not a fan, but I feel sorry for his family etc. as one would for anyone who has died. What I can’t quite come to terms with is the furore surrounding his passing – people are travelling from all over France to « be close to him » at a small village just outside Paris where he died from lung cancer on Wednesday morning.

Now the government have decreed a national outpouring will occur on the Champs Elysées on Saturday morning – for goodness sake, they’ll be naming ships after him next. I’m waiting for the first « Boulevard Hallyday » or « rue Johnny » to be announced. Let’s try and get this all in perspective – he was a singer (not even a singer/songwriter – he interpreted other peoples work) he didn’t save hundreds of Jews from the ghetto during WWll, or discover Penicillin – he sang songs, earned pots of dosh, married 16 year olds and sniffed coke – a true rocker.

I can’t help thinking this is a huge « head in the sand » operation to keep our collective consciences away from thinking about Donald Dump deciding to claim Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in spite of the rest of the world refusing to recognise it, or Willy Wonka threatening a nuclear holocaust from North Korea .

As it is I missed my favourite American police series last night because the television channels all decided to run programmes about Johnny – was it really necessary for each channel to run a tribute? Really?

David Bowie, another fairly well known show biz personality, was cremated only 2 days after having died of liver cancer in January 2016 – and while there was an understandable outpouring of grief from his fans, I’m not aware of any national holidays etc.

Nowt as strange as folk….