And now for the nonsense…

Yes, and this is a photo of a REAL one (published by NIKON) the Z6lll is here. Oh whoopee.

I really wish I could be more enthusiastic, but this is just another iteration – there’s nothing fundamentally new about any of it. Oh sure, it has a ‘partially stacked CMOS sensor’ whatever that’s supposed to mean. And there’s a button on the top to turn the top (and only the top) screen on/off.

Is that it? Does any of this actually HELP you make better images…?

Well yes or no – I can only suppose that NIKON in its wisdom are ‘saving’ the best bits (electronic shutter, sensor shield etc.) for it’s ‘pro’ cameras.

The funniest thing is reading the comments over on Nikon Rumors or the NikonGear forum – one of a long stream of mindless nonsense concerns the ‘speed’ of the sensor, and I quote « Apparently for Z6 III it was measured at 9.47ms for 6K N-Raw video » – what f*****g use is this to anyone? This is a still camera with video capability – so as video needs evolve, and sensor electronics evolve, it would seems logical to include these evolutions in updated bodies.

No-one in their right frame of mind would buy one of these as a dedicated video camera – there are plenty of video cameras out there designed and built just for that purpose. The fact that this model CAN shoot video is, I suppose an advantage, but I don’t see this as anything other than an additional advantage to a still camera body.

A sensor shield is missing, in my view – I don’t see this as exclusively a ‘pro’ facility – most people who own this kind of camera body change lenses, so why not reduce the risk of dust, crap etc. on the open throat of the camera while doing so… But this is relatively minor ask.

I’m actually glad to see the same sensor size maintained – 24Mpx – the Z7 (will there be a lll) and Z8/9 handle higher pixel density perfectly well – however one very good thing is the increased pixel viewfinder – apparently making it the highest density and brightest know to man.

But will it encourage you to buy one? 3000€ just for that is, frankly, out of my ‘desire’ range, but then this kind of thing isn’t aimed at me, particularly with the gear I already own.

I’ll know more on Friday after spending a morning with NIKON in Toulouse where they will be singing the merits of this new body – sadly my cheque book won’t be making the trip…