Sales / Ventes

The images on this site are available (with certain exceptions) for purchase as photographic prints, mounted and/or framed in various sizes.

Prints are photographically printed on Fuji® paper in mat or glossy finish. Ink-jet (giclé) prints can be offered on Hahnemüle Fine Art papers for certain images. Please ask.

Prints are generally mounted in Neilsen frames, mounted on unchlorinated board, with unchlorinated matte boards. For larger (ex: 75cm x 100cm) sizes, the Dibond® process (aluminium and mousse) allows mounting to high standards with or without borders and without a frame.

Digital image files ARE NOT AVAILABLE - with the exception of sales to theatrical companies or artists using the images for promotional purposes..

All prints are supplied with a certificate of authenticity and are individually signed and numbered. Unless otherwise stated, a limited number of 10 prints are made of each image - with an 11th image kept for exhibition use.

The production delay will be advised when an order is placed, but is generally two to three working weeks. Transport costs will also be advised at time of order.

Since 2015 we have been developing our system of Rented Exhibitions. The client pays a rent for a given number of frames, usually on a yearly basis. These images can remain the same, or be changed periodically throughout the rental period, typically three times a year. The client undertakes to install hanging rails and insures the oeuvres displayed against breakage or deterioration.

Please use the contact page for all enquiries.